Subject: Re: SE/30 as a ADSL router/gateway/firewall opinions
To: None <>
From: Damiano Giorgi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/27/2004 23:56:11
Joshua Coombs wrote:
> > I remember to search for scsi ethernet for my SE/30 but I didn't found
> > anything. I will search again. Do you know any?
> I don't remember which are supported and which aren't. I know asante's
> show up on ebay every now and then.
Right here on this list I've been told that there exists an experimental
driver for the Dayna SCSI/Link, and I think I've read somewhere that the
Cabletron adapter is supported too (not sure about that). I've researched a
bit on the subject and I don't think that the Asante is supported (but I
might be wrong on this one too).
By the way, a few weeks ago I got a Xircom adapter on eBay. It turned out
to be a rebranded Dayna SCSI/Link, so I found the driver source file
somewhere and now I'd like to give it a shot, but I don't really have a
clue about how to compile it -- I've compiled kernels and stuff under
linux, but here things seem harder. I guess I'll have to get the kernel
sources (I'm running 1.6.1-softfloat), put the Dayna driver file into some
driver directory, modify some config or makefile and then compile a new
kernel -- am I right? Is there some kind soul willing to guide me through
the process?