Subject: OpenBSD trouble
To: None <>
From: f f <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/23/2005 06:01:29
I know this is a NetBSD mailing list, but OpenBSD
doesn't have a mac68k port mailing list.
Hi, everyone, I recently installed OpenBSD on a 266MB
root/usr partition. I'm using a IICX with:
8mb of RAM, and a
20mb mac partition,
26MB swap, and
30MB usr
It boots fine, but after the copyright message, I
assume there is the prompt, but the keyboard won't
work. I could use any of 3 keyboard (Extended, Design,
or a small early adb one). I don't know much about
OpenBSD, but there are 2 adb ports on this box, if
that means anything.
Keenan Baudler
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