Subject: netbsd installation and instability problems (new episode)
To: None <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/21/2005 11:29:19
Hey all,
thanks to the kind help, I was able install NetBSD it took me a bit to
figure out the /targetroot thing and I read hauke's mail too late.
I used the utility shell to create and mont the disk and then resumed
the installation. ^Z would have made everything easier.
Here some sketches:
- the kernel handles disk-full situations really really bad. That is a
kernel panic and a drop in the debugger. I Learned that since my 350MB
drive is too small to do a full install. SHouldn't things die a bit more
graceful? I made a picture of the error and a trace in the debugger, for
the curious ones.
I redid an install without X and this time it helped. I rebooted, left
the machine unattended. I came back after 2 hours maybe. I found the
disk under activity! like swapping! and I was logged in no processes
were launched to by me. I did a top and saw no swap was used. I made ps
ax and the box hung. Bad bad!
ANyway I rebooted and the machine seemed to work I couldn't reproduce
the problem. I logged in, created a user, almost everything as expected.
But the compiler is not working! although "cc" says "no input files"
trying to compile something yields a segmentation fault.
I have a IIci, so I have 68030+68882 thus I wouldn't expect any
particular problems ! This is a smaller test drive, since I didn't want
to ruin the existing install I have on my MacII and I can't install from
there, 8Mb of ram are not enough for sysinst (sysinst should activate
swap once it formats it) so I hooked up this drive to the IIci. this way
I could test both computers and even compare speed among 1.6 and 2.0 on
the II. I plan to keep this drive as "spare" and do some install tests
in the future. It really seems that this 2.0 series got too little
testing. I bet it works for some people, but overall it is a bit flaky,
starting from the install. And without compilers. hmm...
then... I had another bitter surprise. The disk is too small to unpack
the whole pkgsrc tarball :( and there are no 68k packages for 2.0.2.
Thus installing small tools like "wget" proved painful... A "stripped
down" pkgsrc could be thought of. I bet no one runs KDE or GNOME or even
mozilla on a 68k! although some libraries could be used as dependencies
by other packages...