Subject: Re: MMU panic on boot
To: None <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/27/2005 09:00:16
"Bruce O'Neel" writes:
> Hi,
> The release dates for NetBSD 2.1 and 3 have both been announced. Has
> someone filed a PR on the MMU crash on boot problem? If not, could you
> please? If so, could this be made more visible so that there is a chance
> someone who could fix it will spend some brain cycles on it before the
> release?
Yes, please do this... I've just booted both 3.0BETA and -current
(as of yesterday) kernels on a SE/30, and havn't seen any of the MMU
issues folks have been talking about... (32MB RAM in the machine)
Greg Oster