Subject: Re: Is it just me or...
To: iMac <>
From: Bruce O'Neel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/25/2005 16:41:36
Oh yes, one final thing.  If you want to start playing around with 
fixing problems you *NEED* some faster system to build on.

A PII/240mhz takes about 12hrs to build netbsd current.
A 7300/200 takes about 18-24 hrs or so.

I have no idea how long a 33mhz 040 would take, but X in 1.6.2
used to take 18 hrs to compile.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 04:35:44PM +0000, Bruce O'Neel wrote:
> Hi,
> Keep in mind that 1.6.2 was quite nice on 68k macs.  Even though I run
> current on my powerbook 540, I've not been as happy with it.
> - X takes much more disk space.  Give a 160 meg disk this is a problem.
> - X takes much more memory.  Given 36 meg of memory this is a problem.
> - With the big exception of ssh, it seems to run at the same speed or
> slower.
> I'm not sure that running 1.6.2 is so bad.
> I've just booted my 540 sitting here and it's running current
> from 4 Sep 2005.  It seems to run fine.  On 
> there is a current from 17 Sep 2005, which, while not tested
> is probably ok.  You might also want to give this a shot as well.
> Both of the above current builds are softfloat builds.
> cheers
> bruce
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:05:39PM -0400, iMac wrote:
> > on 10/25/05 9:18 AM, Cameron Kaiser at wrote:
> > 
> > >> Is it just me or is the LCIII a really bad choice for running NetBSD?
> > > 
> > > I don't thnk it's a bad one, it's just not a good one. As you mentioned, it
> > > doesn't have an FPU, and it has a low memory ceiling which makes hungry apps
> > > unhappy.
> > 
> > It's not too much trouble to add an FPU to the LCIII.   My LCIII has a
> > socket for a 68882 *and* I have several Asante MacCon LC Ethernet cards
> > kicking around that have FPU sockets as well.   Finding 68882 processors at
> > a reasonable price, that's the tough part.
> > 
> > Have you checked out 68882 prices at places like Digi-Key?   Outrageous!
> >  
> > > On the other hand, it's a very handy form factor (hence my Q605 in a LC3).
> > 
> > I've already asked this question in another message, but I'll repeat it here
> > because you appear to be the man to ask.
> > 
> > I want to get some first-hand accounts of running NetBSD on the 605.  I have
> > a 605 case with an LC3 logic board in it and I'm thinking that it might not
> > prove too difficult to source an actual 605 board for it.   So, how does BSD
> > perform on your 605?
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> SDF Public Access UNIX System -

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