, <port-mac68k@netbsd.org>
From: William Duke <wduke@cogeco.ca>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/24/2005 13:33:10
> From: Nuno Teixeira <nunotex@mac.com>
> Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 17:52:24 +0000
> To: port-mac68k@netbsd.org
> Subject: NetBSD 3 on SE/30 init not found
> Hello to all,
> I installed NetBSD 3 on a SE/30 and it panics:
> (generic sbc)
> root file system type: ffs
> exec /sbin/init: error 8
> exec /sbin/oinit: error 2
> init: trying /sbin/init.bak
> exec /sbin/init.bak: error 2
> init: not found
> panic: no init
> NetBSD 2.1 runs ok. Does anyone has this problem?
That's kind of funny; I installed 3.0 on a Q700 a couple of months ago and
got the same problem.
init: not found
panic: no init
Okay, so it's not really that funny, but it does give you an idea of the
progress that is being made on the 68k port. Personally, I've settled on
1.6.2 and really see no reason to install anything newer.
In my opinion, anything newer than 1.6.x on a 68k machine, is just bloat. :)