Subject: Re: powerbook duo 250 needed for loan to get supported?
To: nick thompson <>
From: William Duke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/2006 23:41:06
On Mon, 2006-29-05 at 14:27 -0500, nick thompson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> William Duke wrote:
> > I always found it easiest to download the installation files to another
> > Mac and install with the traditional method via Appletalk. I suppose
> > this would be the easiest way to install on the Duo as well; you'd just
> > need a printer cable to install via Localtalk.
> >
> This is the only 68k mac i have, the other is an imac running gentoo.
> Sounds like a good idea, but it won't work for me. Thanks a lot though
> for taking the time to write with your idea! :)
Oh, that's too bad. I keep forgetting that most people don't live in a
Mac graveyard like I do. :)
So anyway, what do you plan on using your 68k Mac for? It appears that
you're willing to endure a whole lot of aggravation to install NetBSD on
your Duo, so you must have something special in mind.