Subject: Re: mac68k Model Support Docs?
To: Gheorghe Ardelean <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/26/2006 07:33:10
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > > I've actually been considering doing a new version of the page [...]
> I'd like to contribute with reports about my mac68k models (IIvi, P600,
> LCII, LCIII, LC450, LC475, Q700, Q950). So just say to whom and when
> should we send the reports (I'd like to send also dmesg for this macs).
What I might end up doing is making a form to just cut and paste dmesg output
into, and parsing those to make up the support matrix. How do people find
--------------------------------- personal: ---
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- Murphy's Law is recursive. Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work. --