Subject: Re: favorite wm for the low end
To: None <>
From: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/2006 23:17:16 wrote:
> There's mlvwm <>
> (wm/mlvmw in pkgsrc), but it's been long enough since I tried it that I
> don't remember if the menubar is actually shared as it is in MacOS. The
> screenshot shows a menubar at the top of the screen, plus menubars in
> each window, but the top-of-the-screen menubar matches the menubar of
> the active window. It looks like it does change the shared menubar,
> but it's unable to get rid of the per-window menubar.
I think you are correct here. Some hackery seems to copy the window
menubar into the "shared menubar" but it's not really the same thing AFAICT.
Tim & Alethea