Subject: Re: XDM setup, revisited
To: None <>
From: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/08/2007 21:11:46
Tim & Alethea Larson wrote:
> You're right...somehow I managed to put the xdm Xresources in the wrong
> place. BUT xdm-config was pointed to it, so it still should have worked
> - in theory.
> Anyway, I moved the file to /etc/X11/xdm and changed the xdm-config
> reference, so I'd have a "standard" setup again. Upon rebooting, I
> could no longer log in at all. After entering the user/pass I'd drop
> right back to the xdm screen. There must be something else that I
> changed a reference in because of the wrong file location, that I need
> to change back now.
Got it back to the way it was, so I could log in. Then changed it back
to "right" again, one step at a time, and it worked. Don't know what
was different the 2nd time around, but oh well.
Tim & Alethea