Subject: Re: port-mac68k/37474: After installing a system, booting into it, and mounting /, I get a message saying that the magic numbers don't match upon reboot.
To: John Klos <>
From: Thomas Carlson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/15/2007 03:27:45
On Dec 14, 2007, at 6:42 PM, John Klos wrote:
> All of that stuff is made up by NetBSD. Drives don't actually have a 
> set number of sectors per track, for instance, and haven't for two 
> decades. What really matters is if there's a difference in the way the 
> partitions are reported.
> There is a possibility that there's some off-by-one problem in the 
> filesystem code which is why deliberate gaps, even though they're 
> tiny, appears to make everything happy.

Am I right that you are suggesting I put 16k of free space between each 
partition when I set up the drive with the Apple HD SC utility?  That 
doesn't take into consideration the fact that NetBSD 1.5.3 works on my 
present partition scheme and 4.0R5 doesn't.  How do you account for 
