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Re: NetBooting a Quadra from MacOS X

Am 24. Apr .2008 um 20:21 Uhr schrieb Hauke Fath:

At 17:37 Uhr +0200 23.4.2008, Andreas Wolf wrote:
I was very excited to learn that the latest versions of the BSD/Mac68k
Booter programm (I'm using 2.0.1a6) are supposed to support diskless
booting of NetBSD. Thanks to all of you, who have contributed to this.

I'm glad it's useful.  :)

It is, and it's fun, too. I'm into Macs almost from the very beginning. I bought my first 128k Mac in 1985 and it's still running. Decades later, I see myself in the frustrating situation that all my knowledge about what they call "Classic" MacOS now is more or less useless, as are the machines that cannot cope with OS X. Having a BSD Unix on my 68k boxes that is actually very similar (well, terminal-wise) to Darwin/OS X is quite exciting, already. It encourages me to dive into Unix further than I ever imagined to do (being a really spoiled Mac-User in the past). Of course I am still in the stage of an advanced idiot in these things. Now, netbooting from the OS X Macs ("Big brother is booting you") sort of bridges the gap, if you know what I mean.

Btw, there might be a little bug in the Booter code, that prevents the initial BootP/DHCP requests from working. If I have an additional NuBus Ethernet-card in my Quadra 700, the Booter will show (and use) the hardware address of that NIC, although the built-in Ethernet is in use and configured. It might be realated to this particular card (Farallon FastEther TX, which unfortunately isn't working/supported), but I have to remove it in order to let the Booter recognize the correct MAC-address. I wrote this to Nigel Pearson, already.

It would help if you could provide the relevant lines of your /etc/exports

Yes, into the guts ;-)
From what I learned, NFS exports on OS X.3/Panther can be configured via Netinfo or /etc/exports (at least "man exports" claims that it can be configured via flat-file). Using both at the same time is said to mess everything up. I am using Netinfo (unfortunately, this is probably not future-safe - no more Netinfo in Leopard/10.5?). I tested 3 different ways to set the NetInfo database: terminal, NetInfo-Manager, NFS-Manager. All of them yield the same result, but I wanted to make sure that I tried everything. I want to export three partitions, /root, /swap, and /home. On the server (bluex.seqnet.de) the path is /export/macbsd/. Hopefully the permissions are ok.

[bluex:] root# ls -alp /export/macbsd/
drwxr-xr-x   7 root  wheel       238 23 Apr 15:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel       136 18 Apr 17:40 ../
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel       102 14 Apr 12:48 NetBSD-release/
drwxrwxrw-   2 root  wheel        68  2 Apr 17:00 home/
drwxrwxrw-  21 root  wheel       714 14 Apr 13:42 root/
drwxrw-rw-   3 root  wheel       102 23 Apr 18:15 swap/

My exports in the NetInfo database look like this

[bluex:/export] root# nidump -r /exports .
  "name" = ( "exports" );
      "name" = ( "/export/macbsd/swap" );
      "clients" = ( "" );
      "opts" = ( "maproot=root:wheel" );
      "name" = ( "/export/macbsd/home" );
      "clients" = ( "" );
      "opts" = ( "maproot=nobody:nobody" );
      "name" = ( "/export/macbsd/root" );
      "opts" = ( "maproot=root:wheel" );
      "clients" = ( "" );

This is according to the NetBoot how-to (http://netbsd.org/docs/network/netboot/nfs.html#macosx), except that I did not set up a separate /usr partition. If I try to actually serve these as NFS shares, it won't work: To update my exports I do a

 kill -1 `cat /var/run/mountd.pid`

On Panther, mountd signals changes to nfsd. That seems to have changed in Tiger/Leopard where no more separate mountd exists?. Yes I agree, Apple messes up things, especially by changing things with every new version...
In the log I see:

Apr 25 14:58:47 bluex mountd[403]: Can't change attributes for /export/macbsd/home. See 'exports' man page. Apr 25 14:58:47 bluex mountd[403]: Bad exports list line /export/macbsd/home -maproot

Consequently, /home is not in the exports:

[bluex:/export] root# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

As you probably guessed, = macbsd.seqnet.de is the Quadra/NetBSD client.
To complete my config, here are my dhcpd.conf on the server

[bluex:/export/macbsd] root# more /etc/dhcpd.conf
# global dhcpd parameters
deny unknown-clients;                   #disallow unknown connections
ddns-update-style none;                 #disallow dynamic DNS updates
allow bootp; #allow bootp requests, thus the dhcp #server will act as a bootp server
# which network interface the server will listen on
subnet netmask { #the zeros indicate which range } #of addresses are allowed to connect
 #set of parameters common to all clients
 group {
  option broadcast-address;
  option domain-name "seqnet.de";
  #option domain-name-servers dns.test.net;
  option routers router.seqnet.de;
  option subnet-mask;

  #set of parameters specific to one particular host
  host macbsd.seqnet.de {
   hardware ethernet  08:00:07:94:c3:50; # sn0, also internes Ethernet
option host-name "macbsd"; #name of the host (if the fixed address #doesn't resolve to a simple name) filename "netbsd.gz"; #name of the bootloader or kernel to
                                                 #download via tftp
next-server bluex.seqnet.de; #which machine to tftp filename from option root-path "/export/macbsd/root"; #the path on the NFS server. #typically the client assumes the
                                                 #nfsserver = tftpserver
#always-reply-rfc1048 true; #this is needed if your client isn't
                                        #getting the options you set and
                                        #the log says "(non-rfc1048)"
#next68k machines require this to be
                                        #set false

...and the fstab for the client

[bluex:/] root# more /export/macbsd/root/etc/fstab
bluex.seqnet.de:/export/macbsd/swap   none  swap  sw,nfsmntpt=/swap
bluex.seqnet.de:/export/macbsd/root   /     nfs   rw 0 0
bluex.seqnet.de:/export/macbsd/home   /home nfs   rw 0 0

 I am guessing: What bites you is the fact that one volume can only
ever be exported through nfs with one set of credentials. This means that once you e.g. export a directory from a partition r/o, you cannot export
another directory from the same partition r/w.

There are quite a couple of aspects that I do not understand. One is that I don't know how to serve /swap as a file rather than a directory. I can create a 16MB file in Darwin as described in the manual (dd if=/dev/zero of=/export/client/swap bs=4k count=4k), but cannot export that as a file:

Apr 25 15:53:48 bluex mountd[403]: Bad exports list line /export/macbsd/swap Apr 25 15:53:48 bluex mountd[403]: Can't change attributes for /export/macbsd/root. See 'exports' man page. Apr 25 15:53:48 bluex mountd[403]: Bad exports list line /export/macbsd/root -maproot

"man mountd" tells me:

"The -r option allows mount RPCs requests for regular files to be served. Although this seems to violate the mount protocol specification, some diskless workstations do mount requests for their swapfiles and expect them to be regular files. Since a regular file cannot be specified in /etc/exports, the entire file system in which the swapfiles resides will have to be exported with the -alldirs flag."

So what shall I do? I can change /System/Library/StartupItems/NFS/NFS, where automountd appears to be started without any arguments, but that doesn't seem to help either. What next? Where would I put the "-alldirs" flag? I guess I am just lacking fundamental knowledge on NFS. Please forgive my basic and stupid questions. What am I doing with the maproot option? As I understand it, maproot=root:wheel will let an allowed client (only in my case) use the partition/volume as if the client was user "root" and/or in the group "wheel" (does wheel exist at all on netbsd?). I am mapping the client user (is that "root" when the kernel tries to load the share?) to the user "root" on the local server, is that correct? To disallow this, other OSes have a "root_sqash" option. I cannot set or unset that in OS X, can I? Might that be unvisibly implemented by Apple along with some security-update? I'm getting paranoid. Why would I want to maproot=nobody:nobody on the /home share? Doesn't that imply that other users on the client have access to /home with the lowest possible privileges, i.e. nobody?

There's a trick which I use with good success, where you null-mount the
directories that you want to export somewhere else, and then nfs export
those "volumes". An example:

From /etc/fstab:

/var/spool/export/usr.m68k /export/usr.m68k null ro,hidden 0 0 /var/spool/export/q840 /export/q840 null rw,hidden 0 0

From /etc/exports:

/export/q840/root       -maproot=root:wheel             q840
/export/q840/swap       -maproot=root:wheel             q840

I'm afraid I don't understand that part. You are talking about the server-side, are you? Well, there ain't no fstab in Panther. Where can I determine, on OS X using NetInfo, if the shares are rw or ro? The default should be read/write, anyway (?). I don't want one of my partitions read-only, do I? Do I, indirectly, attempt to do that with my configuration files?
Your help is really appreciated. Please continue ;-)

Am 24. Apr .2008 um 21:30 Uhr schrieb Mark E. Perkins:

But you might get some helpful suggestions here:


Thanks, I will have a deeper look at that.


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