On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:22:29AM +0200, Andreas Wolf wrote:
Am 25. Apr .2008 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Hauke Fath:
#fpu0 at mainbus? # Floating-Point Coprocessor support
Don't comment that out -- you definitely want the FPU support, trust
me. ;)
Is that true for real 68040 CPUs? I thought "fpu0 at mainbus" refers
the coprocessor (68881, 68882) on 68020 and 68030 CPU boards. There
I'm confused - my 68040 mac does not attach fpu0, and I can't fin'd any
reference to fpu in any of the mac68k config files. I have options FPSP
Where does that fpu0 line you commented out come from?