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Re: NetBooting a Quadra from MacOS X

Am 29. Apr .2008 um 21:37 Uhr schrieb Hauke Fath:

[Btw: Would you mind setting your Apple Mail to use proper quoting and
plain text mail? That <x-rich> and
<bold><fontfamily><param>Courier</param><x-tad-bigger> stuff it sends has my Eudora inline the quoted passages with the rest of the mail. Thanks!]

Oops, sorry. I hope it's fixed now.

At 12:57 Uhr +0200 29.4.2008, Andreas Wolf wrote:
        macbsd# touch /var/gaga/letme
        touch: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

What's wrong here?

tset(1), touch(1) are from /usr/bin, df(1) is from /bin.

Actually, I noticed that, too (after a couple of hours).

 It would seem that
you accidentally picked a usr tarball for a different architecture?

Unlikely, but nothing is impossible. I'll check that...

About shoehorning a MacOS X machine into being a proper nfs server I cannot say much. There are slight differences in exports notation between SunOS
and the various BSDs, and big ones between them and the zoo of Linuxes.
Apple seems to add its own twists and variations. They are said to track FreeBSD userland, but how regularly? And how thoroughly? NFS exporting a file was possible since SunOS 4, or so I read my "Managing NFS and NIS"...
if Apple broke that, all bets are off.


I have read quite a couple of pages on this problem. Seems as if I should have a look at the powerpc port of NetBSD ;-)

"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)

Is that the punk-band Devo, way back in the seventies?

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