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Re: nfsrooting

On Sun, 5 Feb 2017 21:22:57 -0800, Rob Braun wrote:
> Most netbsd platforms have some ability to netboot & root off nfs.
> The mac68k port is really only missing the ability to specify it in
> the booter, and the kernel to take that from the booter and set the
> boot device.  If the boot device is a NIC, the kernel already knows
> how to bootp for the rest of the information.

You have me slightly confused here...

While I can see that it would be nice sometimes to have the option, you 
don't generally specify gory details of a net boot on the client side. 
Rummaging through my home /etc/dhcpd.conf, I see

        # Macintosh Quadra 700/25
        host doorstop {
            hardware ethernet 08:00:07:34:08:9c;
            fixed-address doorstop.causeuse.org;
            #filename "JACKHAMMER";
            filename doorstop;
            option root-path "/export/doorstop/root";
            always-reply-rfc1048 true;
which has all the kernel needs to know for mounting root, as long as it 
knows how to nfs-boot.

But don't let that discourage you.  ;)


Hauke Fath                        <hauke%Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE@localhost>
Ernst-Ludwig-Straße 15
64625 Bensheim

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