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Re: Attempting to install NetBSD 8.0 to an SE/30

In article <1534744566.1192517.1479569776.65E5F661%webmail.messagingengine.com@localhost>,
Matt Nawrocki  <matt%postpro.net@localhost> wrote:
>I'm making an attempt to install NetBSD 8.0 to my Macintosh SE/30. When I
>attempt to boot the installer, it gets along pretty far, but after
>identifying the SCSI HDD (sc0 standing for a Seagate drive), it hangs.
>Just for reference, I am using Rominator II on my Mac to get a 32-bit
>clean system, and I'm using a SD2SCSI adapter so I don't have to use loud
>traditional hard drives. Could there be something with that that could
>cause the installer to hang? I tried both the standard and SBC installer

Perhaps this is the problem; you can verify that this is the driver that
is hanging, by booting with -d and then disabling it in the command line.
Once we verify that this is the problem we can add some debugging to see
where it hangs? Can you get into the kernel debugger?


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