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Re: NetBSD 8.0 on a Mac LC III

On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 at 02:46, <userm57%yahoo.com@localhost> wrote:
> Update, more feedback...
> The sysinst installation succeeded, and I have a working
> system.

Yay! :)

>  I think I told the configuration not to use SSH,
> though SSH was set to yes in rc.conf (and lots of time was
> spent generating keys).  SSH is too slow for a Mac LC III
> (thank you for continuing to support telnet and ftp, even
> if they're not secure).  Adding telnet and ftp to your
> sysinst configuration menu (maybe default to no) might be
> helpful for new users.

I think there would probably be quite strong push back from the modern
ports on adding that option to the sysinst menu.

There are a bunch of ports on... more interesting hardware :)... which
might benefit from easier access to telnet and ftp, the setup for
which could be a conditional build option on sysinst, though I'd
definitely follow up on Martin's recommendation to see if there is a
ssh algorithm config which can work for you (I've run ssh on a uVAX
before, which makes the LC III look like a high powered memory rich
workstation :)

> For several hours after installation, the system built the
> man pages database (I think the process was makemandb).  If
> this could be done on the build system before distribution,
> it would save time and create a better first impression of
> login and response times on a system as old as an LC III.

Interestingly we already make makewhatis as a build tool. The only
argument against adding makemandb is the 13M or so of additional data
that would need to be added to the sets for something which can be
entirely derived from installed data (then again, someone installing
manpages on an embedded arm/x86 is also going to be quite unhappy at
their performance on first boot).


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