Subject: Re: some observations on the peripheral market
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/11/1999 13:47:08
I'm sorry but it seems to me that these emotional rants have no place
in any of the NetBSD mailing lists except maybe netbsd-advocacy
(there's one, right? but I doubt it should serve this kind of
discussion, either), and I'm getting tired of this thread.
iMac or any other product's design defficiencies (whether marketroid-
driven or not) have nothing to do with NetBSD, except maybe NetBSD
runs rather well on these products even with severe design
defficiencies (can you say mac68k? ;-).
If you are dissatisfied by the way Apple designed iMac, I suggest you
tell *Apple* your complaints. Not us, mere mortal subscribers of
NetBSD mailing lists. Also, it seems to me those who already like
iMac like it anyway, and vice versa. I don't see much point in trying
to convince others whether they should or should not like iMac, if
most of them have already decided either way. Besides, what will it
accomplish, especially in conjunction with NetBSD?
BTW, this is not meant to be a personal attack on anybody who has
participated in this thread.