Subject: Re: some observations on the peripheral market
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/14/1999 21:05:58
On Jan 10, 8:08pm, "David A. Gatwood" wrote:
} On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, John Nemeth wrote:
} > } machines, if for no other reason, then because I don't want to have to
} > } port NetBSD's usb support to MkLinux. ;-)
} >
} > Why not just use NetBSD/macppc? Does MkLinux support FireWire?
} No, but it supports x100's, which I still use extensively. BTW, is MESH
} support working on NetBSD/macppc yet? If so, I may play with it some.
What are "x100's"? What is MESH?
}-- End of excerpt from "David A. Gatwood"