Subject: Re: snap-990119
To: None <>
From: Sebastian Lederer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/21/1999 16:47:37
Tsubai Masanari wrote:
> Hi,
> I made a new binary snapshot including X11. It is available from
> and
> mirror sites.
> This snapshot also supports bmac ethernet and iMac.
> iMac note:
> Currently it cannot boot from internal hard disk, so only network booting
> from bootp/tftp server is available.
First, many thanks to Tsubai Masanari, for his great work on the macppc
port, especially for the iMac!
But, of course, there are always some questions left:
- Is diskless operation possible on the iMac?
- Wouldn't it be useful if the macppc port used the same disklabel code as
the mac68k port (mac68k/disksubr.c), allowing NetBSD to use the Mac's
partition table directly? That would allow for MacOS to coexist with NetBSD
on the hard disk, which would be very nice IMHO.
Thanks again and best regards,
Sebastian Lederer