Subject: Re: snap-990119
To: None <>
From: Aaron Jackson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/23/1999 00:37:02
>Now I'm trying to install on an 8500. I have open firmware set to use the
>screen for video (it looks hideous!), and can get the floppy to boot. I
>tell it it's got a vt100 and that I want to install. I then get:
>uid 0 on/: file system full
>/: write failed, file system is full
>Segmentation fault.
I also tried the snapshot on an 8500 and the same thing happened to me.
However, I was able to get into the shell (I had to press the caps lock
to get lower case letters) and was able to configure the ethernet card
and then ftp to my other computer. I'm very happy at the prospect of
finally being able to remove linux from my mac in favor of a *BSD OS.
BTW, how would one install NetBSD without using the install script?
Aaron Jackson