Subject: Re: Install OK - can't boot
To: Marc Shifflett <>
From: Bill Studenmund <skippy@macro.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/25/1999 21:07:27
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Marc Shifflett wrote:
> Managed to get a very minimal install of the latest macppc dist. on an
> external syquest 270 with no problem.
> Anyone know what OF boot-device and boot-file variables to use to get it
> to boot from the disk?
> It was installed on sd0 yet when I use scsi/sd@0 or scsi/sd@0:0 as a
> boot-device OF version 1.0.5 complains that it can't open the device. Also
> tried the full path of of the scsi alias /bandit/gc/53c94
Try using the scsi id of your syquest instead of "0" in sd@0. NetBSD
numbers disks in their order of discovery, while I think OF numbers them
according to their scsi id.
Take care,