Subject: Re: status of NuBus support?
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/25/1999 08:24:56
On Tue, 25 May 1999, Erik E. Fair wrote:
> The people on have been painstakingly reverse
> engineering the devices found in the m68k based Macintoshes for many years,
> and really are the best equipped to answer questions about that hardware.
> Heck, they did such a bang-up job that MK/Linux credits NetBSD...
Yeah. They account for about a third of the MkLinux drivers, IIRC.
FreeBSD accounts for another chunk (parts of the IDE driver and a few
other things). Pretty much everything that could be reused was, I think.
David A. Gatwood Visit globegate's internet talker, Deep Space 36 telnet