Subject: Re: Please help the folks at Be...
To: Dion Crannitch <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/20/1999 22:30:17
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Dion Crannitch wrote:
> I'm sure you've already read the BeOS PPC FAQs:
> I wish they'd port it too but Be say they're "nervous about porting to a
> platform who's owner doesn't want to share technical information."
> Therefore I wouldn't expect them to port it even if people did help them.
My $0.02:
As many people will probably repeat, Be seems to be shifting more and more
to wintel platforms. My advice would be to let them go, since MacOS X
will probably leave Be in the dust anyway.
It's really pretty sad for them to claim that Apple won't provide them any
hardware information. Apple not only provides the info, they provide it
as open source code to show specific examples of how to program the
hardware. You don't have to have a detailed schematic with pin
configurations and the whole works to write an OS for a machine, as
NetBSD, MkLinux, and LinuxPPC have proven for years. If Be cared, they
could do the same thing just as easily -- more easily, given that MkLinux,
LinuxPPC, NetBSD-macppc, and now Darwin are sitting out there for the
taking. Thus, I can only assume that they don't care. :-)