Subject: Re: Creating a boot floppy for installation.
To: None <>
From: Robert Leenheer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/25/1999 08:48:53
What is the reason for this. LinuxPPC lets you just copy the file to a HFS
floppy, and boot from it. Are there any reasons for doing it this way?
> I use the suntar utility. It is mainly designed to handle tar formatted
> archives on floppies, but it has an option which will write a file to a
> floppy. I'm using version 2.0.5, and under the special menu, there's an
> over-write sectors command. Use it, and start writing from sector 0. I
> think I had to set it to "expert" mode (under preferences) for the
> over-write option to come up.