Subject: Re: trouble booting on beige G3
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/28/1999 10:53:16
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999 wrote:
> I have tried the boot command five times in a row and still get the claim
> failed message. How does that serial console work. I am going over to a
> friends tonight that has a pc that is running freebsd. Is there a way I can
> hook that computer to mine and run the serial console? If else can
> I do it?
If that happens, then you've got a different problem. :-)
For serial console to work, you need either a Mac LapLink cable, or a
mac-> modem & null modem or a mac -> modem & LapLink cable. Then you need
to set the firmware input-device and output-device to ttya or b. I think
the default baud rate is 38400.
On the FreeBSD box, try using "tip -38400 console". You need to be using a
direct connect line with no parity.
You can switch inputput-device and output-device independently. So you can
boot the G3 on screen/keyboard, then switch output-device to the serial
port to test. You can then keep typing commands on the keyboard & you
should see the output on the serial console.
I'm not sure though how serial console will help here. Dan?
Take care,