Subject: minor device numbers (was: Re: B&W install questions- ofdisk, internal modem)
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Steven Kasow <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/22/1999 17:57:55
On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 11:38:19AM -0700, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Steven Kasow wrote:
> > trying cu -l /dev/tty00 as root got me nowhere fast. Any suggestions?
> Your problem is that cu is, by default, waiting for another modem to
> connect before continuing. You need to either set that line to "local" in
> /etc/tty and re-run ttyflags, or use the dial out device:
> Try "cd /dev; mknod dty00 c 12 524288", then chmod /dev/dty00 to something
> you can use/what you want. Then try cu -l /dev/dty00.
Done. Su to root, mknod as above, chmod ugo+rw /dev/dty00.
cu reports 'write: Input/Output error'
The -d output, in case it means anything:
cu -d -l /dev/dty00 -s 38400
cu: fconn_open: Opening port /dev/dty00 (speed 38400)
cu: fconn_set: Changing settings to 0,0,2
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "a"
cu: write: Input/Output error
I tried a variety of speeds - 38400, 57600, 115200, all with the same
results. I'm running a 1.4D kernel and userland (from the most recent
snapshot on
I'm trying to get some clue about things, so I poked around in the
sources and man pages trying to figure out where that mknod command
you suggested comes from. I managed to figure out that the '12' in the
mknod command refers to a zilog chip, and I see zstty0 and zstty1 in
dmesg. Looking at Apple's web page tells me that the modem connects to
'the SCC port A of the Paddington IC'. Messing about with
openfirmware, /pci/@d/mac_io/ascc/ch-a .properties tells me:
reg 00013020 00000001
00013030 00000001
00008400 00000001
00008500 00000100
0000000f 00000100
0000000f, 04, 05
And the dmesg output states 'zsc0 at obio0 offset 0x13000', and
'zstty0 at szc0 channel 0, zstty1 at zsc0 channel 1' which
looks fairly close to the 0x13020 above, so I think I understand
the '12'- But I haven't been able to track down where the '524288'
comes from. Any hints?