Subject: Re: mountd/exports problem
To: Daniel Starmer <Daniel_Starmer@Milton.Edu>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/16/1999 17:47:07
At 05:19 PM 9/16/99 , you wrote:
>OK, this is more specifically an OpenBSD question, but I figured you guys
>would have more experience with netbooting macppc boxes, etc. (and since i
>followed the iMac FAQ from
> I am having a problem with mountd. I set up all the filesystems, 32mb
>swap, etc...but apparently mountd doesnt like my /etc/exports:
>( is my iMac, I am .2)
># $OpenBSD: exports,v 1.1 1996/09/06 11:57:20 deraadt Exp $
># NFS exports Database
># See exports(5) for more information. Be very careful, misconfiguration
># of this file can result in your filesystems being readable by the world.
>/export/imac/root -maproot=root
>/export/imac/swap -maproot=root
It's just root= ( i use root=0 just fine).
/other/clients/yosemite/root -root=0 yosemite.local
/other/clients/yosemite/usr -root=0 yosemite.local
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message