Subject: Re: Booting MacPPC / Boot Floppy
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/17/1999 10:37:31
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> > Is this capability limited to certain models of Mac
> > (I use a PowerBook G3 , 233 Mhz) - don't know the rom revision.
> The first key combination is right. Command means the apple/clover key
> and O as in Open.
> It's possible that your keyboard is incapable of sending that many
> signals at once (some older desktop ones are - the one that shipped
> with the Apple IIgs, for instance - so it's possible that the
> mini-keyboards that come in powerbooks are the same way). Try plugging
> in a regular ADB keyboard and using it.
Something worth noting: some machines have both left and right command
keys and/or option keys, not sure which machines. Those keys send
different signals, and in some cases, only one set works for
command-option-o-f. Also worth noting, the timing is critical on
PowerBooks. IIRC you have to hit it right as the machine goes bong, not
before, not after it finishes. Finally, at least on the G3 series (black
rounded case), it usually only works when it's from a power-on, not when
rebooting. Not sure why.