Subject: Re: supported models
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/06/1999 15:47:10
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:35:19PM -0700, Erik E. Fair wrote:
> I believe there is a small mistake in the supported models page.
> 7500/100 - PPC 601 (not supported unless CPU daughter card replaced with 604)
> 7600/* - PPC 604 (supported)
> 7300/* - PPC 604e (supported)
> This was the progression of model numbers, chronologically.
I think it makes more sense to associate the 7300 with the 7200, as
(and correct me if I'm wrong, please) they were based on the same
motherboard design, just as the 7600 is based on the 7500 motherboard.
On a side note, will NetBSD support the shiny xlr8 300 Mhz G3 card
that I got when my 7500 was running MacOS? Will it initialize the 1
MB on-board cache? Do I need to remove the 512k L2 cache on my
(Oh, and my 7500 boots just fine with a 150 Mhz 604, but the page
already suggests that it should.)
~ g r @