Subject: Re: 68k to ppc port info query
To: Roger Brown <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/10/2000 19:30:32
On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Roger Brown wrote:
> This is a bit of a cross-post,
> I have been running netbsd on an old maciicx, (which unfortunately died due
> to the PSU), and I've really wanted netbsd or linux-ppc on my Performa 6200
Unfortunately, no un*x system (other than the ones that run as a MacOS
application) will run on the 6200 yet. MkLinux is somewhat close to
getting those machines supported, somewhat hung up on early boot issues
(and a general lack of free time to code fixes). The architecture is, in
fact, 68k, with a PowerPC processor stuck in, so the question is quite
relevant to both groups.... ;-)