Subject: Re: Booting problem (newbie question)
To: None <,>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/12/2000 13:38:18
I haven't actually done this myself yet you understand, but. . .
At 3:55 AM -0800 1/11/00, Volker Bradatsch wrote:
>I made the the disk bootable like described in the FAQ but when trying
>to boot the system out of OF
>with "boot scsi/sd@0:0" i receive a message like "no bootable HFS
>When I try to boot from floppy with "boot fd:0 -a" and later tell the
>program where to find netbsd, i get a message which tells me that the
>"device is not configured".
Sounds like you need to play a bit with the Open Firmware boot device/file.
The general format is path/sd@i:p,file where i is the SCSI id, p is the
partition number, and file is the path to the executable.
scsi/sd@0:0 means to boot from the raw disk assuming no MacOS partitioning,
and does not specify the file path. This has and is changing, but there
was a program called installboot which wrote a fake Apple partition map on
an otherwise NetBSD partitioned disk so you could specify a real partition
number, like 1. I don't remember the name of the booter interlude program,
but it might help to include it.
Under -current you can use Apple partitioning just like the mac68k port.
Find a copy of ofwboot.xcf and put it in an Apple HFS partition and the
boot becomes something like scsi/sd@0:5,ofwboot.xcf. It then looks for a
NetBSD root partition on the same disk and tries to boot /netbsd from it
(unless you gave it some options). This is how I would do it, but I
haven't yet as I said, and there may be some gotcha's.
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