Subject: Re: iMac and NetBSD 1.4.2
To: Lennart Augustsson <>
From: Cliff Crawford <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/26/2000 07:09:26
* Lennart Augustsson <> menulis:
> Jeffrey Flowers wrote:
> > I have a zip drive for my iMac but it is a USB Zip drive. Does it work with
> > the NetBSD installer?
> I might if you install -current.
I don't think iMacs can boot from any USB device. I'm pretty sure
that they can't boot from a USB hard drive, so I don't see why a
USB zip would be any different.
cliff crawford -><-
icq 68165166
"IS I yes wardrobe yield [the] evaluation." member of A.H.M.A.D.