Subject: PowerBook G3 Installation
To: None <>
From: Edwin Rudolph <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/07/2000 20:27:27
I have managed to get much further in netbooting my PB G3, and can
actually boot the kernel and mount everything over NFS. My problem now is
actually installing NetBSD locally. Where is sysinst? I read some
messages from a few months ago about using the netbsd-GENERIC_MD kernel,
however I haven't had any luck booting with those. For one, the boot
loader seems to only be able to handle non-gzipped kernels. I've tried
unzipping them, and they will start to load (the little indicator/spinner
thing) but locks up after a few seconds.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)
Edwin Rudolph