Subject: Re: X Server
To: Michael Wolfson <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/22/2000 08:10:26
On Sat, 20 May 2000, Michael Wolfson wrote:
> At 8:54 PM -0400 5/20/00, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> :)And a tricky bit of hidden HTML (perhaps it's incorrect?):
> :)
> :)> On newer machines OF >= 2.0, you can type (at the OF prompt):
> :)> 0 > dev screen
> :)> 0 > show-modes
> :)> 0 > mode#
> :)> 1 > .
> :)>
> :)> This will list the resolutions available on your system. If you set your
> :)> system to one of these resolutions from within MacOS, then Open FIrmware
> :)> should keep that setting.
> :)
> :)Actually, maybe it's commented out because of the angle brackets. I'll
> :)fix that.
> Actually, it's commented out because no one has figured out a method of
> actually *setting* the mode using OF, so I figured it's pretty pointless to
> list that procedure since MacOS will list the possible resolutions anyways
> in the Monitors control panel.
?? There should be something like set-mode which will set the video
modes. There is in the Blue & White G3. :-)
As I recall, you type the desired video mode number, leave a space or hit
return (the number will wind up on the forth stack), then "set-mode".
After the "dev screen", type "words" and OF should show you the command
words at this node. On older systems, I'm not sure if the support is
there, but I know you'll need a full path on the dev ("dev /chaos/control"
for instance).
I'm not sure if these mode settings survive a reboot.
Take care,