Subject: Which kernel? Where does the ramdisk come from?
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/10/2000 16:43:13
After partially successfully making an ISO CD, I can now boot to the same
point as Laurent de Segur:
md0: internal 1600K image area
boot device: <unknown>
root on md0a dumps on md0b
The answer from Bill was:
> I think the problem is that the system has decided to use a memory file
> system (ram disk) for the root devvice in a kernel which doesn't have
> one. :-(
Now... If I use the kernel in
how do I specify a root disk? And what root disk do I specify? I can't
seem to find any ramdisk images.
I shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel. Why not make the files in boot.fs
available to those of us without a floppy?
Also, does anyone know what ISO options to use (in Toast) when creating
the cd? The most recent CD I made gives me:
0> boot cd:,ofwboot.elf load-size=800 adler32=25f1d5dd
Unrecognized Client Format
But when I use ofwboot.elf from the 1.5 cd made from the ISO image from
ftp://ftp.NetBSD.ORG/pub/NetBSD/arch/macppc/isofs.20000620-1.5, I get the
netbsd not found error, then I put in the ISO cd I made by downloading
ftp://ftp.NetBSD.ORG/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.4.2/macppc/binary/ stuff, I
boot the kernel, then I get the error above.
Any clue?
BTW - my NetBSD Amiga is colocated, so even if I had a CD burner in it,
I'd have to travel for a few hours to be able to use mkhybrid. So Im'm
stuck with Toast.
John Klos