Subject: Re: Which kernel? Where does the ramdisk come from?
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/10/2000 19:45:16
Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>Erp. . . Would that be me? (What's the emoticon for embarrassment?)
>No, maybe not since I actually paid for a CD that wouldn't use up
>upload time, just download. <whew>
Nope. It was a macppc user, not one of us old mac68k retreads. ;-) As I
recall the person in question wanted me to build the ISO image and make
it available for him at no cost which I did hoping to get some useful
>I couldn't get macppc to boot from the CD, but I wasn't sure why. I
>think I didn't say anything because I wanted to do some more testing
>to figure out why.
The CD I created for you didn't have an HFS part on it, only ISO9660. At
the time I was using an older version of mkhybrid that didn't support
putting HFS partitions on the CD. Somewhere I thought I'd seen a note
that the Boot ROMs expect to find an HFS partition table or something
like that.
>I know I burned a test CD with ofwboot.xcf on it in the top level and
>was able to load ofwboot from it on one of my two OF 1.0.5 machines a
>long time ago. The trouble is that I have not been able to duplicate
>my early success. I'm pretty sure I did *not* set the famous
>load-base variable when I got it to work b.t.w. Also ofwboot was at
>the top level, but I don't remember what Toast options I used, and I
>didn't keep the test CD that worked.
I'm just guessing, but what we might need to do is build a CD with both
HFS and ISO9660 parts to fake out the boot ROMs. I'm not sure where the
ofwboot file would go (HFS or ISO9660 side), how I can get it on the HFS
side with mkhybrid (probably can't), or how to deal with the problem of
the two variants of the file.
>As an unpaid plug let me say that Bob's CD-ROM's are worth a lot more
>than the $5 that he charges for them, even if you don't ask for
>custom work. I'm currently running a PC and a IIcx off of the two
>that I bought from him a long time ago. Now if I could just find a
>way to make an 8500 dual-boot without having a working ppc machine to
>develop/test boot code on. . .
Thanks! Actually I bumped the price to $7.50 per CD recently to come
closer to covering my costs, but I think it's still a reasonable price.
And I think I'm still the only one producing CDs with snapshots of the
packages system.