, NetBSD Mailing List <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: Chris <talon16m@hotmail.com>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/17/2000 03:34:27
on 7/16/00 7:03 PM, Brian Dean at bsd@bsdhome.com wrote something like:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get an install going on my iBook, but am not getting
> very far. Here's what I did:
> I also tried this by first having my iBook load ofwboot.elf first, and
> then send /usr/export/ibook as the root path. There, I had
> netbsd-GENERIC_MD installed but named 'netbsd' so that it could be
> found. The result was the same trap at the same instruction.
I can't tell you what that means, it's likely gibberish from a trashed
pointer. What is the load-size set to out of curiosity?
> distribution under the NFS export area, created the /dev area and so
> on. In the end, the result was the same trap at the same instruction.
This doesn't matter, it's not to the point of detecting any of the
chipsets, NFS is useless until the kernel recognizes the Ethernet chip. You
should try ungzipping and booting the kernel from KERN.TGZ in the
distribution (without using ofwboot.elf) and see if it also traps. If it
does than there is likely a hardware change.
> I saw on the macppc model support page that the iBook is supported
> excepting that the built-in keyboard is not yet (as described by this
> link: http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/macppc/models.html). So, I tried
> booting with my iMac keyboard plugged in, but, not too surprisingly,
> got the same result.
Is this the Special Edition iBook? It's possible that Apple changed some
hardware. I also believe that there have been one or two Firmware Updates
for iBook's on asu.info.apple.com that you should most definitely install if
you have not already.
> I'm hoping I'm just doing something dumb and the correct procedure for
> installing onto an iBook is well-known. I'd really love to run NetBSD
> on my iBook. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
No it's probably not you, it looks like Kernel issues.