Subject: Re: Booting, next round ;-)
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/18/2000 00:07:39
> You probably know this, but you did copy boot.fs with SunTar right?
No, "dd" on a NetBSD/i386 machine :-)
> Try boot "fd:1,ofwboot.xcf -a" so it gets to the prompt before
> getting any errors. Then you can enter netbsd.gz with no leading /.
> I'm suspicious that OF doesn't clean up properly after errors, and
> that there may be bugs in the filesystem code that might trace
> through directory trees.
That's a good think to try tomorrow as first thing when I enter the buero.
Thank's for your advise!