Subject: Re: pismo OF
To: None <,>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/28/2000 11:30:13
At 9:43 PM -0400 7/26/00, charlie allom wrote:
>if i was to set a LOAD-BASE 0x6c0000 in a g3 pismo, and the next time it
>rebooted it would chime but not go any further (screen blank, no lights,
>not much else) ..
Assuming it was setting OF variables that caused the problem then as
long as input and output are set correctly you should be able to do
Cmd-Opt-O-F and get an OF command line to fix whatever you just
messed with. Only if you messed with the I/O vars should you even
need to worry about the PRAM resetting stuff everyone else has been
talking about.
Of course resetting PRAM should work too.
>some OF trick? (it wont boot into OF or reset the PRAM from the usual key
>commands) it doesn't seem to get that far into the boot process anymore)
This makes it sound to me like you may have a coincidental hardware
failure of some kind.
>if i was to take it to apple australia, and they said i had messed the
>logic board, would they be right? one person has now said the processor
>has to be replaced.
Making environment variable changes is not messing with the logic
board. You shouldn't even mention it to the service people because
it will just confuse things. OTOH if you don't have a MacOS-bootable
disk in the machine they may need to know that.
>am i crazy? are these people telling the truth?
If the problem is setting load-base then no. But in that case it
should be easy to recover with any of the things people have been
telling you to do.
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