Subject: powerbook (firewire) support (looks very close)
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/01/2000 16:42:45
I've got one of these nice new beasties. I've got netbooting
working. I've got the 1.5_ALPHA kernel that almost works. I'd be *very*
happy to test out any kernels someone would send my way to get this thing
working in time for 1.5.
Right now, here's what I get:
it loads ofwboot.elf fine. Loads the 1.5_ALPHA/binary/kern.tgz kernel and
starts to probe devices.
Recognizes the cpu, adb, "radio0", hard drive, dvd drive, the usb devices,
then (typed by hand):
cbb0 at pci1 dev 26 function 0: Texas Instruments PCI1211 PCI-CardBus
Bridge (rev. 0x00)
panic: pci_conf_read: dev < 11
Stopped in swapper at cpu_Debugger+0x10: lwz r0, r1, 0x14,
The netbsd.ram.gz kernel also works. It panics and reboots at about the
same point, but since it reboots, I don't know what it says.
-- MW