Subject: Re: Do LKMs work *at*all* on powerpc platforms?
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/03/2000 04:18:08
> Will using the compiler flag *just* when compiling the source for the
> individual module in question fix this problem, or will the LKM
> architecture within the kernel need to be compiled with that flag as
> well?
Well, try a test. Compile up a decent-sized file with and without all of
its internal prototypes marked __longcall__. See if the assembly is any
AFAIK the only differences should be in how the functions call each other,
if at all -- usually the compiler only does the __longcall__ magic for calls
to subroutines outside the current translation unit.
Assuming that's true, then the prototype mismatch you see is almost certainly
a red herring, and is just the compiler being pedantic for portability reasons
(on some ports -- like i386 -- it may indeed have serious consequences).
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @