Subject: Re: Succesfull booting under Beige G3, but...
To: None <>
From: Ladislav Popov <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/07/2000 06:26:24
on 06.08.2000 6:40, charlie allom at wrote:
>> I succesfull boot NetBSD 1.4.2 on Macintosh G3/266Mhz 320MB RAM/20GB HDD,
>> whole disk was used for NetBSD. Everything was fine, except one.
> can we know the OF commands you typed in to get it to boot? there are
> a few beige G3 owners out there looking for help.
>> Every time, after loading kernel, I am asked for root partition of disk,
>> swap device etc. Could you help me, how to disable this asks and force
>> volume to boot?
Its describe in this mail list somewhere in last year, so here is a copy:
You need to find Apple's System Disk utility program
from their ftp site for booting MacOS X, run the application and set your
boot device to ide1/disk@0:0 for the usually cdrom bus, or ide/disk@0:0 for
the main HD bus. Your boot file is netbsd. Close the advanced settings
window and click save, then you can quit the program and reboot into OF.
Once there, double check that you have:
auto-boot? your preference
use-nvramrc? true
load-base 600000
boot-device ide/disk@0:0
boot-file netbsd and that there is about a page and a half of code under
nvramrc. (you should see it when you type printenv)
Now you need to type bye and wait for the grey screen to come up, then
reboot with ctl-cmd-reset and go back into OF, this time typing boot should
have you up and running :)
You need get Apple System Disk, because there are bugs in Apple firmware,
that makes impossible to boot from IDE disks. Apple System Disk patch
firmware to make succesfull boot.