Subject: Re: Sheesh. More LKMs. And some firewall stupidity.
To: None <,,>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/21/2000 23:39:28
In article <> you write:
>Since the vnode pager (at least, assuming the comments in
>uvm/uvm_vnode.{h,c} do not lie) swaps to vnodes, which are handled by
>the vnd device driver, which must reside on the local file system,
>it sure seems to me that vnd(4) *is* involved and that they are not
>useful for what I am trying to do.
Where do you get the impression that vnd(4) is connected to the vnode pager?
As I understand it, vnd(4) is a means of making the contents of a file
available through a block-device interface, while the vnode page makes the
contents of a file available through the virtual memory system. As far as I
know, they're independent of one another. It's certainly possible to build
a kernel that uses the vnode pager (it's not currently disablable) but
without vnd(4).
>I'd be thrilled if someone criticizing my approach would like to do so
If nothing else, discussions of the VM system belong on tech-kern, where
people who understand it (unlike me) hang around.
Ben Harris <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26 <URL:>