Subject: Re: support for new powerbooks?
To: None <>
From: charlie allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/22/2000 15:59:26
>[please cc me on any response; i'm not [yet] on port-macppc]
>a) what's people's experiences with the newer powerbooks in general?
my biggest gripe, tho prolly -not- a major issue with you, luke, but
it was with me..
port macppc in general does not support greater than 8bpp resolution.
first, what a waste of a beautiful LCD and second, it doesn't do me
any good wanting to be able to use NetBSD as a temporary fill in for
when i dont want to use MacOS for graphics.
im a wee bit OT but it annoyed me enough to delete NetBSD from my
macppc machines.
Melbourne, Australia - PGP available