Subject: Re: Changing the keyboard layout under netbsd (console & X)
To: Jean-Sebastien ROY <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/24/2000 11:15:51
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 02:10:21AM +0200, Jean-Sebastien ROY wrote:
> I've installed netbsd 1.4.2 on my PM 8600 and everything works fine... except the keyboard layout.
> I use a french (azerty) adb keyboard.
> I tried to change the keyboard mapping for the console, but the console becomes dead when I type : wsconstl -k -w encofing=fr
With the attached patch you should be able to use encoding=fr
But I did this for a powerbook G3, so the keyboard mapping may not be
exactly rigth (this powerbook keyboard had keys which weren't mapped at all
in wscons). Now I don't have access to the powerbook any more, I'm waiting
access to a desktop powermac to clean this up.
> I tried to change the keyboard mapping under X but I did not succeed.
> (I found an 'fr' xkb symbols file, tried various configurations recommended for linuxPPC, MkLinux, ... none worked)
For X I just did it with xmodmap. You may want to install xkeycaps, it will
help you a lot to do the mapping.
Unfortunably I didn't save the xmodmap file :(
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.