, <t1345@hopi.dtcc.edu>
From: Matt White <mwhite@madriver.k12.oh.us>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/28/2000 16:43:29
For the record there were three versions of the 5400 - 120, 180 and =
We have a whole bunch of the 120's and a small handful of the 200's here.
- Matt
>>> Chris Tribo <t1345@hopi.dtcc.edu> 08/28/00 01:15PM >>>
On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I may be able to get a performa 5400/160, is it supported yet ?
> http://www2.fr.NetBSD.org/Ports/macppc/models.html seems to imply it is,
> but I've not been able to enter the openfirmware with ctrl-apple-O-F.
> Is there something else for this on older powermacs ?
I don't mean to sound idiotic, but you're sure this is a 5400/160
and not a 52xx/160? The slowest 5400 I've seen was 200MHz, but it could
(probably) be coincidence. That not being the case, you will probably have
to use bootvars or System Disk (System Disk recomended, even though it
complains, it still works) to set your input and output device to keyboard
and screen respectivly, as OF is probably set to default to the Serial
Console (hence it might not listen to Cmd-Opt-O-F). There is also a
footnote on the model support page about this system.