, Acid Maker <acid@umedia.system.net.pl>
From: Henry B. Hotz <hotz@jpl.nasa.gov>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/02/2000 15:49:15
At 5:39 PM -0500 10/2/00, Eric Damien Berna wrote:
>Failing that, theoretically, you should be able to make a bootable
>CD with the CD writer, then boot off the CD. The problem is getting
>a bootable NetBSD/macppc CD image. You can find plenty of i386 port
>bootable CDs offered by various companies, and even iso disk images
>available for download, but no macppc port bootable CDs. Maybe
>somebody can make an image and make it available, or tell me how and
>I'll try to make it available.
You could try talking to Bob Nestor. He was working on the problem.
If you sent him a stack of CD-R blanks and lots of moral (and
test/diagnostic) support I'd bet you could get something.
>I think you'd want a current version of NetBSD. -current supports
>more of your PowerBook's hardware.
Yes, absolutely.
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signature design and approval process.
h.b.hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu