Subject: Re: using sysinst after a diskless netboot
To: None <>
From: Eric Marsden <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2000 10:53:26
Here's how I finally managed to install (G3 Lombard Powerbook):
* set up a BOOTP + tftp + NFS server as per the diskless HOWTO. You
don't need to install a complete filesystem: just export / with the
installation ramdisk renamed `netbsd'
* netboot into kernel + sysinst and do an FTP install
* this will squish your whole disk (it did with 1.5_ALPHA2 anyway)
but not make it bootable: upon booting OpenFirmware can't find
anything bootable on the disk and ends up trying to netboot.
You thus have to boot from an NFS-mounted kernel and tell it to
mount / from disk rather than by NFS. I didn't find the procedure
in the installation docs, so here goes:
1. from OF say
> boot enet:,ofwboot.elf -a
2. the `-a' tells ofwboot to prompt for the name of the kernel; at
the Boot: prompt say
Boot: netbsd -a
3. the kernel will then prompt you for a source for the root
filesystem; say wd0 (or whatever your disk is called).
>>>>> "mw" == Michael Wolfson <> writes:
mw> macppc/snapshot/20000620-1.5/installation/netbsd.ram.gz
thanks ... could I suggest that this be included in the /installation
section of each release?
ecm> PS: the kernel goes into reverse video halfway through the
ecm> boot, after which the screen becomes pretty much unreadable on
ecm> the powerbook. Is it possible to disable that?
mw> It shouldn't be unreadable. AFAIK, to disable it, you need to
mw> compile a new kernel.
well, it draws black text on a black background, so it's pretty close
to unreadable :-) The kernel in the ramdisk doesn't have the same
Eric Marsden <URL:>