Subject: Re: boot help for a newbie?
To: JHS <>
From: charlie allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2000 21:02:06
At 6:28 PM -0500 4/10/00, JHS wrote:
>I installed 1.42 on a '98 Powerbook G3 266's internal hard drive but I simply
>can't make it boot. I'm guessing that I have to boot into Open Firmware (I
>have version 2.01) and then enter some commands?
hi, read my last posts about this.
sounds like you have a PDQ powerbook there. this -should- be pretty
close to what you want, i have just booted an Original Wallstreet
powerbook with 1.4.2 and 1.5
it also sounds like you have patched your OF via the System Disk (correct?)
if you have installed 1.4.2 on the internal IDE hdd, then booting it
with the command:
boot ide0/@0:0,netbsd should work
boot-device ide0/@0:0
boot-file netbsd
the bootloader installed by the install app will boot the netbsd
kernel just fine. it should be noted that i installed with the
1.5ALPHA2 boot floppy when installed both 1.4.2 and 1.5ALPHA2
hope this helps.
Melbourne, Australia - PGP available